Wednesday, July 2, 2008

1.The Ultimate Man's Guide to Online Dating

Part One: Why Online Dating?

Brief Overview: On our first day we will discuss how Online dating works (and why it works) as we begin to put you on the path to meeting the right kind of women no matter what kind of relationships you are looking for.

Can I really meet women by using Online dating sites? Yes you can. There are literally 1000’s of women out there using Online dating to find exactly the same things you are looking for. And that doesn’t only mean women who are looking for a soul mate or long-term relationship. There are lots of women who use the web to safely hook up for more, shall we say “casual encounters”.

In some ways Online dating is harder for men then in the real world, mainly due to the disproportionate amount of men to women who use Online dating sites, but in other ways when you know the ropes, Online dating can actually be infinitely easier for men then meeting women in the real world. In fact many men who have used the techniques we will outline in this course report meeting and dating as many as 10 times more women then they did using more conventional methods. That is what this course is all about – to give you the training and the tools you need to meet more women Online, and find whatever it is you may be looking for: companionship, casual dating, great sex, or even that ever elusive life-long soul-mate.

The Anxiety Factor

Fear and a lack of confidence. For men that are not meeting or dating the amount or type of women they want, it’s the number one limiting factor. Psychologists agree that fear of rejection is very strong in males much more than in females. On the other hand actual fear for personal safety and security is what keeps most women leery of being approached by men, and keeps many quality women at home instead of out in bars or other places to mingle and meet.

One of the greatest advantages of Online dating is that it eliminates almost all of the factors that can make dating in “real life” so anxiety producing.

First-up personal safety. Despite the horror stories you may have heard about how unsafe meeting someone through Online dating can be, the truth is Online dating can actually be safer then dating in the “real world”, and that is why actually more and more women are using Online dating. We will show you how to approach these women, and use sites that make them comfortable such as and because they require memberships and thoroughly screen their applicants. We will discuss safety, security and how not to scare women off at length in later chapters.

Dating anxiety also means not wanting to leave your “comfort zone”. Chalk one up again for Online dating –where you never have to leave the comfort of your own home to meet and chat with quality and interesting women, not to mention that you can do so unshaven, sitting on your couch in your underwear, drinking a cold one. Traditional dating also causes anxiety because of time pressures. Can’t make “Happy Hour”? or the time of that singles event conflicts with a project deadline or business meeting? No stress there either – Online dating means you can cruise profiles anytime you want. You’re in complete control of the schedule.

Finally Online dating virtually eliminates the dating dread that keeps so many men home alone on a Saturday night – The Fear of Rejection. Online dating can be practically “rejection free” once you learn the techniques. That is one of the benefits that make Online dating so exciting. Now that is not to say you will not ever be “turned down” Online – but the anxiety that you feel, that makes it too difficult to approach that gorgeous gal in accounting in person, is not there in cyberspace.

Furthermore, cyberspace is the ultimate “Test Track. You can use Online dating to try over and over again, until you hone your skills and figure out what works for you. In fact most men report that the successful interactions they have experienced though Online dating have boosted their confidence and self esteem to the point that they are now more outgoing and willing to take risks even in more traditional social settings.

Openness and Leveling the Playing Field

Another huge benefit of Online dating is that the Internet is the ultimate leveler. With your properly designed profile up on a dozen sites, you no longer have to worry about the competition. You don’t have to dress a certain way, or stand out from the crowd in a bar or event – you are free to be you. As we show you in later chapters how to write a targeted profile – you will build interactions with women that are interested in the same things you are.

It is far easier to be open and honest on the Internet, and dating experts agree women find honesty a turn on. Remember the “comfort zone”? That certain level of anonymity that the Internet provides lets people be a lot more open, conversation tends to get more intimate more rapidly Online. Women especially once they have gained a certainly level of trust with you, which we will show you how to accomplish– certainly will reveal more about themselves quicker Online then they will in face-to-face encounters - which will allow you and her to know that much more quickly if you really have found a match.

Time and Money

Online dating is never a waste of time - because you choose to spend as little or as much time as you want with anyone you are interested in, or has expressed interest in you, on a dating site. Online dating gives you the remarkable ability to flex time. With all due respect to astrophysicists, time is meaningless in cyberspace, you do not have to be in a certain place at a certain time to meet someone. Once your profile has been posted, you can be fast asleep or in a heavy duty business meeting, while some woman is reading about you and has just decided they are dying to meet you. As far as money goes, while the sites we will discuss all have some kind of monthly subscription fee after a free trial, such as Yahoo Personals, membership fees are much more cost effective than “traditional” dating – the cost of dinner, drinks, and a movie on one bad or wasted date more than covers the monthly membership fee to any of the sites we will discuss.

Supply and Demand

It’s a basic economic principal, and why Online dating is vastly superior to trying to meet people through other means. You have access to literally tens of thousands of single women that are all looking for the same things you are, be it companionship, a long-term relationship. Or even something a little more titillating like at or

When it comes right down to it Online dating really is the safest, simplest, most cost effective, anxiety- free -and really downright fun way to meet women today.

Tomorrow we will get down to the nitty-gritty and review 6 of the top sites and explore some tips on creating a profile that will make women want to meet you.

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